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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Pennsylvania Medal Communities Program
Type: Education
Designation of high risk areas
Firewise community recognition programs
Jurisdiction: Subdivision
State: Pennsylvania
Program Description: Pennsylvania developed a statewide program to encourage Firewise Communities. The program requires each community to have a Hazard Assessment, and Emergency Action Plan, and a wildfire education Safety committee. Plaques, certificates, and community signs are given to communities that participate. They can earn a Gold, Silver, or Bronze status depending on their assessment, and how well they avoid potential fire emergencies by addressing and correcting fire hazards, and prepare themselves in the event a wildfire threatens. The program is coordinated at the state level, and is administered by the 20 forest district offices that encompass Pennsylvania.

Program Components

Each Firewise Community must complete an Emergency Action Plan, following a prototype format developed by the state's Wildland Urban Interface Task Force. The task force is comprised of the DCNR Bureau of Forestry personnel, the PA Emergency Management Agency, the State Fire Commissioner's Office, and Cocciardi and Associates, a private fire and safety consultant. Each plan is coordinated with the county Emergency Management Association. A Hazard Assessment using NFPA form 299, the Wildfire Hazard Severity Form Checklist, is completed for each community.

Each community creates a Safety Committee which meets regularly to discuss fire safety concerns, and will provide public education programs and materials to the community to increase awareness of fire hazards.

Wildfire mitigation activities, including vegetation management, are at the subdivision or community level. Public information and voluntary cooperation of homeowners are key to the program. Once a community does the risk assessment and discovers its wildfire problem areas, the community can determine possible solutions. If fuel buildup around homes is deemed to be a problem, then homeowners would be encouraged by their Safety Committee to do vegetation clearing.

Funding for mitigation activities from the National Fire Plan may be available to those Pennsylvania Firewise Communities that qualify. Projects might include bringing roads and turnarounds up to standards for emergency vehicles, ensuring separate ingress and egress from subdivisions, creating fire breaks along roads, and erecting road signs where necessary.

Presently five communities have achieved Firewise Medal Status in Pennsylvania, with more communities joining all the time.

Contact Information

For more information contact Paul Sebasovich at (717)787-2925, or by email at him at [email protected].
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