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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Los Angeles County Fire Code Section 1117, "Clearance of Brush and Vegetation Growth"
Type: Regulatory
Jurisdiction: County
State: California
Program Description: Article 11 of the Uniform Fire Code of Los Angeles County contains Section 1117, "Clearance of Brush and Vegetation Growth". This Section sets the standards for vegetation removal and maintenance of defensible space around structures on property in high fire risk areas throughout the County.

That part of the Section that addresses fuel reduction around structures is presented here.

Under the Los Angeles, CA County Code, Title 32 Fire Code, Article 11 of the Uniform Fire Code, Section 1117 "Clearance of Brush and Vegetation Growth" states:

1117.2 Structures.

1117.2.1 Fuel modification plan in Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones or Fire Zone 4.
A fuel modification plan, a landscape plan and an irrigation plan approved by a registered landscape architect shall be submitted with any subdivision of land or prior to any new construction, remodeling, modification or reconstruction of a structure where such remodeling, modification or reconstruction increases the square footage of the existing structure by 50% or more within any 12 month period and where the structure or subdivision is located within areas designated as a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone or Fire Zone 4 in the County Building Code. Every fuel modification plan, landscape plan and irrigation plan shall also be reviewed and approved by the forestry division of the fire department for reasonable fire safety. (Ord. 95-0063 � 70 (part), 1995.)

Section 1117.2.1.1 is added to Title 32 of the Los Angeles County Code to read as follows:

Fuel modification plans, landscape plans and irrigation plans submitted pursuant to Section 1117.2.1 may be prepared by a landscape designer, a landscape contractor, or an individual with expertise acceptable to the forestry division of the fire department. (Ord. 99-0044 � 25, 1999.)

1117.2.2 Clearances. Any person owning, leasing, controlling, operating or maintaining any building, structure or apiary upon or adjoining any mountainous, or forest or brush-covered land or land covered with flammable growth, and any person owning, leasing or controlling any land adjacent to such structures, shall at all times:

1. Place or store firewood, manure, compost and other combustible materials a minimum of thirty (30) feet from any building or structure.
2. Maintain around and adjacent to such building, structure or apiary an effective fire protection or firebreak made by removing and clearing away, for a distance therefrom of not less than thirty (30) feet on each side thereof, all flammable vegetation or other combustible growth. This includes ornamental plants and trees known to be flammable, including but not limited to: Acacia, Cedar, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Juniper, Pine and Pampas Grass.

EXCEPTIONS: 1. Ornamental plants and trees that are individually planted, spaced and maintained in such a manner that they do not form a means of transmitting fire from native growth to the structure.

2. Cultivated ground cover such as green grass, ivy, succulents or similar plants provided that they are maintained in a condition that does not form a means of transmitting fire from native growth to the structure.

3. Maintain around or adjacent to any building or structure an additional fire protection or firebreak made by removing all brush, flammable vegetation or combustible growth located from thirty (30) to one hundred (100) feet from such building or structure, as may be required by the chief or commissioner when he finds that because of extra hazardous conditions, a firebreak of only thirty (30) feet around such structures is not sufficient to provide reasonable fire safety. Grass and other vegetation located more than thirty (30) feet from such building or structure, and less than eighteen (18) inches in height above the ground, may be maintained where necessary to stabilize the soil and prevent erosion.

4. Remove that portion of any tree which extends within 10 feet of the outlet of any chimney.

5. Maintain any tree adjacent to or overhanging any building, free of dead wood.

6. Maintain the roof of any structure free of leaves, needles or other dead vegetative growth. (Ord. 95-0063 � 70 (part), 1995.)

1117.2.3 Extra hazard. The Governing Body finds that in many cases because of extra hazardous situations, a firebreak around structures of only thirty feet is not sufficient and that a firebreak of fifty feet or more may be necessary. If the chief or commissioner finds that because of the location of any building or structure, and because of other conditions, a thirty-foot firebreak around such structure as required by Section 1117.2.2 is not sufficient he may notify all owners of property affected that they must clear all flammable vegetation and other combustible growth or reduce the amount of fuel content for a distance greater than thirty feet, but not to exceed two hundred feet. (Ord. 95-0063 � 70 (part), 1995.)

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